Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Do You Picture Yourself Running A Home Based Internet Business?

Picture the ideal home based internet business for a minute. You wake up very early in the morning and do a quick commute to your home office. Still in your pyjamas, you start the day with a nice cup of tea and settle at your pc. After a few hours work, you decide to take a break to spend some time with the family who are just waking up and have some breakfast with them.

You take a shower, and get the kids ready for school which is a few miles from where you live. After dropping the kids you head back home and log into your email account to see a message with the subject "Well done, you have just earned a commission". Yes, you have been making money whilst out there dropping your kids at school. You could have well been sleeping when that email popped into your mailbox.

Picturing this scenario might seem unrealistic if you are new to making money online or in need of some extra income. But there are actually people from all walks of life supplementing their incomes with various online business opportunities. The beauty of a home based internet business is you can make money 24/7 whether you are on vacation, sleeping or playing golf.

In order to make starting a home based internet business a reality you have to:-

Set your goals.

Set goals that are achievable in a set amount of time. You need to set goals and read them out daily like a mission statement. This act helps me and encourages me to focus on what I am trying to achieve online. You can start by setting goals that you want to achieve within a year and then work backwards to see what you need to be doing to achieve those goals in a day, week, month and year. Do not be afraid to change or amend your goals if you feel you can achieve more or you think you are going too fast.

Choose a subject that you will be comfortable promoting and focus on that area.

Choosing an area that you are comfortable with will allow you to be yourself when you are setting up your home based internet business. Your ideas will flow naturally and you won't find it difficult promoting something you are passionate about. I was very passionate about starting a business at home so that I can spend more time with my young family so I researched different affiliate programs that I can promote on the web that relates to "Working from Home" or "Home Business Opportunities". There are endless possibilities when it comes to choosing subjects that would make good and profitable internet businesses.

Choose a domain name; register, host and design your website.

Once you've decided on a subject to promote, you can choose a name that fits the internet business you are looking to set up. There are a host of internet companies that you can buy and register domains from. Also, there are numerous companies that will host your domains for a monthly or yearly fee. Nowadays you can even host multiple domains on the same hosting program if you look around. There are also a host of software programs such as XsitePro that you can buy to design your own websites once you have them hosted. Alternatively you can go for an all in one hosting solution that would register, host and design your website for you.

Use Auto responders to automate your home based internet business.

Like it or not, the most important tool in your home based internet business is the Auto responder. This is because majority of people visiting your site might not buy anything from you at their first visit. In fact a lot of people won't buy anything from you until they have heard about your product a few times. Normally people don't say no to you but will usually say no to an opportunity if the timing is not right for them. So a good auto responder will enable you to capture subscribers on your website and provide them with what the want when the timing is right. And the beauty of this great tool is you won't have to lift a finger to do any of this. It's all 100% automated and handled for you 24/7/365!

Promote your site.

Promoting your website can be fun if you know the tools available to do it properly. There are different ways to promote your website but a few that I've used to great success include:

1. Start a blog.

2. Using Google Adwords.

3. Write Articles

4. Word of Mouth

5. Post to forums that are similar to your website subject

Finally, you can see that starting a home based business that you only pictured in your mind can be a reality if you are determined to make it happen. This article only covers the basics to get you going but with a lot of effort and dedication on your part, you can build a host of sites that will provide you with passive income for years to come. Now doesn't that sound real nice?

Just picture it!!!

Copyright (c) 2006 Ade Lamidi

Ade Lamidi is an Internet Marketing consultant who writes on a wide range of issues related to internet marketing and related topics. He has a blog at where he comments on internet marketing and related issues.Virginia Blog89042
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