Thursday, January 24, 2008


Marketing By Any Other Name...

What does the word "marketing" mean to you? When you say "we need to do some marketing" or "we need a marketing plan," what is the end result you are picturing?

Of all the functions that contribute to business growth, marketing has got to be the least standardized. Not only do the activities associated with marketing vary from company to company, but the purpose and goals of marketing differ widely. In many cases, marketing is a synonym for sales, which in my opinion is one of the biggest strategic mistakes a company can make.

Marketing is not sales. But marketing better be contributing to revenue generation or you're wasting time and money. And probably lots of both.

Here is a simple way to think of marketing: your marketing activities need to make your sales process easier. How they do that will vary depending on your company and market. Product marketing is very different from service marketing. Business to business marketing is very different from business to consumer marketing. Marketing high cost goods and services requires a different approach from marketing commodities.

Even in the same industry and marketplace, how one company markets will differ from the way its competitors market. Just watch a couple of beer or car commercials on TV and you'll see what I mean. This is because company culture, personality, and brand will impact marketing activities and messages.

So, I ask you: Is your marketing program making your sales process easier? Be careful when answering. There are nuances to marketing that are important to consider. Some activities are more direct than others and so are much easier to gauge. An example is direct response marketing. Another is e-commerce web sites with incorporated shopping carts. In both cases there is a clear link to the sales side. This type of marketing can be very easily quantified and its impact on sales can be accurately measured.

Some activities, though, are more subtle. Things that get your company better known in the marketplace will help the sales process, but not as clearly as direct response or "click here to buy" activities. They are qualitative in impact but no less important.

Effective public relations, for example, will certainly influence your target market by keeping your name top of mind in the people you want to buy from you. This type of activity, of course, is nowhere near as measurable as more direct things. Does this mean you shouldn't do it? Absolutely not!! It does mean, however, that you need to stay awake and find ways to gauge how successful these more subtle activities are in making the sales process easier.

Here's the bottom line. Take time to clearly and accurately define what marketing means specifically for your company, and define how it can make the sales process easier. Don't just accept any published definitions, no matter how exalted their sources.

Trish Lambert (, principal of 4-R Marketing LLC, is an experienced marketing consultant and creator of the 4-R Marketing Model for service businesses. Very much a "non-conformist" in the marketing world, Trish produces measurable results with marketing that drives revenues for her customers.Vinny Blog64004
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